RadioControl Flash memory 512 KB PS / 2
How RadioControl work?
Keylogger Broadcasting RadioControl stylish device `s high quality monitoring, capacity giving employers control work and looking at the same time influenced this work in the receiver RadioControl.
RadioControl `s two cooperating strictly broadcasting devices.
insite miniature transmitter in the keyboard placed to intercept digital signals from the keyboard and send to the recipient RadioControl as digital (numeric) and encoded.
The receiver is a device supplied from the battery or DC adapter, digital data transmitter intercept and decode the data. After returning shows data signal on the LCD screen, giving same copy actions carried out on the keyboard.
RadioControl system furnished high quality broadcasting configured properly assess the works in the frequency of 868 MHz, providing correct communications distanse 300-1000m in open area or a 7-storey accommodation.
SX allocation see
- 4x16 LCD display signs
- Ability to connect to the recipient's computer
- Broadcasting 868 Mhz freq
- Internal memory of 512 KB
- Real time clock
(A function that displays a record time of data information) - RS-232 port to connect the receiver and the computer
- RS-232 Cable
- Software RadioControl SX
- Capacity of the network structure of the issuer.
The device is available in the kit in the following configuration:
Transmitter built on the standard keyboard.
RadioControl Manual receiver.
Device is supplied with 4 batteries (AA fingers).
Time is working with 4 batteries ab.30 Godz. Actual conscription of 18 mA Frequency - 868 Mhz
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