Hardware Keylogger USB Flash Memory 2 MB
How USB Keylogger work?
USB Hardware Keylogger is a small external device, plugged into the keyboard.
The device function is to record any key pressed whenever it believes in its internal memory copy of the text entered by the keyboard. The text engraved in the memory `s keylogger is completely legible, because the keylogger has all the signs engraved on his memory and forms sentences out of them. Another fact to note is that the device is capable of identifying the key pressed by the user functional
Internal Memory USB Keylogger.
AIK2B3 device has internal memory that does not depend in any way in the team `s work. USB Keylogger can store a specified number of signs in memory for all weather conditions. The number of signs depends on the amount of memory used in the device.
Example memory size = number of keystrokes
2 MB = 2 million keystrokes = 12 period of months of writing intensive (when working eight hours per day) The device is available with the internal memory size of 2 MB-4 MB
The reading of data recorded in USB Keylogger
Reading data is very simple, any text editor is sufficient for this: for example, WordPad system. After entering the password unique menu with a list of available options appears. The data can be reconstructed in any team that does not require this particular computer with which you use the keyboard
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